Winter Coat Drive

What a way to begin the New Year!  As part of community outreach, our 8th Grade class will be collecting used coats and jackets.  All donations will be given to the Jericho Partnership in Danbury, Connecticut.  The Coat Drive will begin January 2nd and end January 11th.  If you are interested in participating, please bring your donations to the CLA main office.


The 8th grade class will be outside Friday, January 4th, to receive coat donations in the car line.


Thank you for your support!


Spiritual Emphasis Week

Spiritual Emphasis Week at Christian Life Academy 

During the week of October 22-26th we once again welcomed our friends from Coastlands Consultants to join us for Spiritual Emphasis Week.

The annual practice of Spiritual Emphasis Week is very important to CLA.  This year grades K-8th gathered together for five mornings for Chapel services led by Mr. Matt Huffman.  These meetings were filled with songs that filled our hearts with joy and encouraging lessons rooted in the Word of God.

Mr. Matt didn’t end his lessons with Chapel.  Grades 6-8th had the great opportunity to work closely with Mr. Matt on the theme of Team Work throughout the entire week.   Whether they were  participating in soccer games in the gym or thoughtful time in journal writing, students were learning valuable lessons.  The results were spiritual enrichment for our students and productive group discussions.  CLA middle schoolers say the “we before me” was one of the most important things they learned during the week.  As a result, they would like to share their learning with the students in younger grades.   It is so encouraging to see how our middle schoolers serve as leaders in CLA and can provide strong examples for the younger students!

Mr O’Neil, who teaches Middle School Science, summarizes our experience with Coastlands Consultants best when he said that “It was great how Mr. Huffman focused so strongly on team building—[it was] good for students and teachers alike!”

We cannot wait to carry forward the lessons we have learned from Coastlands Consultants throughout this academic year and the years to come!  Thank you Dr. Brady and Mr. Huffman!


Middle School Leadership Conference

This year, four of our middle school students attended a OneDay Conference sponsored by ACSI.  Many other Christian students gathered at this New Jersey school to focus on cultivating leadership skills.

This year’s theme was Hide and Seek.  Each word was the focus of a session of learning and activity.  Andrew, Zach, Sophie, and Isabella ventured out of their comfort zones to work with groups of other students during these session.  The first session asked the students to discover how and why we HIDE. The second session helped them discover their leadership style and how our style AND their friends’ styles can work together.

The concluding session asked our students to work together to create a SEEK plan to establish in our own school.
The students were presented with Four Principles of Leadership.
#1: Leadership is Self-Aware
#2: Leadership is Others Aware
#3: Leadership Makes Others Aware
#4: Leadership Takes on the Issue
Our students have met together back at school to talk about and take action regarding gossip amongst their classmates.  They feel that they have made good steps in that direction, as they have prayed, practiced some possible responses, and come together again with encouraging reports.  They are not perfect yet, but each of them is more aware of the way to use their leadership ability and style to accomplish change.  One of the recurring concerns in the whole group was the feeling of being alone. Our students are doing a great job of watching for those who are solitary, and reaching out to their classmates.  We were glad to have the opportunity to learn and grow at this conference.  We will continue in the New Year to build each other up in encouragements and inclusion.

Socks and Boxes of Love

CLA ran two successful drives this fall.  The first was the Annual Sock Drive during the month of October.  Students and their families donated over 340 pairs of socks to the Milford Shelter and the Jericho Shelter.  As a result we have blessed those in need as the season changes and the weather becomes colder!


The second drive was our 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive to support the Jericho Partnership in Danbury.  Students and families brought in canned goods and various non-perishable items for Jericho’s Boxes of Love.  The Boxes of Love Program provides families with boxes filled with traditional Thanksgiving meals, but most importantly they spread the love of Jesus during the holiday!

2018 Fall Recap

This fall, CLA students had opportunities to give back to the community and focus on their spiritual growth.  Click the links below to learn more about what our students have been up to!








2018 Matching Grant Opportunity

preschool, elementary, middle school, high school

Christmas is truly a miracle…something above the ordinary or usual. The generosity of those supportive of Christian education at Christian Life Academy may not be miraculous, but it certainly is remarkable!  Please consider this matching grant opportunity!

This year we again want to thank a generous donor who will match your every dollar given to help Christian Life Academy grow!  Your $10 can quickly become $20 in this way.  And yes, every single dollar does help.  I have heard many of you express your joy at being a part of CLA.  I know that many of your extended family also are very supportive and appreciative.

We have appreciated your support in our last matching grant opportunity. With your generous support this last year we were able to:
 provide professional development opportunities for our faculty and board members beyond what we had normally planned.
 purchase projectors and document cameras for our classrooms.
 completed the construction for our Little Blessings, increasing our capacity from 12-20.

This blessing will again provide finances that will benefit our faculty and our students. Our goal is to:
 update our classrooms for ease in accessing the technology we have.
 provide all our students with Chromebooks and our teachers with specific training in fully utilizing Google Suite.
 offer professional development in individualized areas, including Biblical Integration for our faculty, is both educational and encouraging, as well as benefiting our students as we continue to craft our curriculum in our classrooms.

Your gift given by December 31st will help not just for this year, but for developing a generation.  A bit far-fetched? I don’t think so!  We are educating and training our students to be strong, biblically principled young people, strengthened with spiritual authority! They are making and will continue to make a difference in their world.  Join me and be remarkable again this year!

This year you also have the ability to give a donation online.  Using the Brookfield Assembly of God website,  select Christian Life Academy and fill in the memo “Matching Grant”.

Many churches are represented with our student body, but we are a ministry outreach of Brookfield Assembly.

Thank you and God’s blessing for a peaceful Christmas season for you and your family.