Thank you, Sergeant Rosado!
Monday October 28th, 2019, was this First Responder’s Day. Students from Christian Life Academy delivered thank you cards and yummy treats they had baked. One of those cards was made by a 4th grader especially for Brookfield’s Sergeant Rosado.

Sergeant Rosado was so impressed, he stopped in on December 6th to give J.P. a special thank you card! He also brought the class a delicious box of Munchkins and then the 4th and 5th grade had the chance to ask him questions about his job! All the kids were so excited, especially J.P.!

We hope that Sergeant Rosado will think of Christian Life Academy and smile whenever he looks at his card!

Christian Life Academy would like to give a special thank you to the Brookfield Police Officers, Firefighters, and all the first responders for protecting the town of Brookfield and CLA! We love you!