One Week Left!

There is still time to join our Munson’s Chocolate Virtual Fundraiser – and what a delicious way to support our school!  The fundraiser ends on Monday, March 4th so you have one whole week left to place your orders.

The best part?  It is all online, and 40% of what you sell will come off of your fundraising fee!

As a bonus, the top seller will earn a $25 gift card.  There is something for everyone, and these delicious treats also make great gifts just in time for Easter.


Important InformationAll orders must also have a payment before we can place the final order for the school.  Please send your payments to the front office.



Parents Night Out!

Looking for a babysitter this Friday? CLA has you covered! Woohoo! It’s a Night Out for CLA Parents!

Our 8th graders, staff teachers and a couple of parents will babysit Friday, February 9th, from 5-8PM.

  • Rates: First child is $20 and each additional child is $5 (within the same family)

Space is limited, so snag your spots now!

Sign up sheet outside the school office or email Mr. Zupnyk at:

P.S. The 8th graders are raising money for their end-of-year trip! 😁