A Family-Focused Experience at CLA

KIDS QUESTIONS: A Family-Focused Experience at CLA – Hear from Our Students!

Get an exclusive glimpse into the heartwarming experiences of our students at CLA. Listen as they share their journey from transitioning through multiple schools to finding an enriching and caring environment at CLA. Discover the sense of community and support that has made learning a joyful experience for these young minds.



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Security, Support, and Spiritual Growth!

Christian Life Academy for Security, Support, and Spiritual Growth!

Discover the warmth of belonging to a supportive community like no other at Christian Life Academy! 💖 Enroll your child today and experience the sense of security, support, and spiritual guidance that defines our school. From dedicated teachers to compassionate staff, we’re all in this journey together, fostering an environment where every student thrives like family. Let Christian Life Academy be the place where your child’s potential is nurtured, and faith flourishes.



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It All Adds Up to Big Blessings!

Dear CLA Community,

Considering the world today – it is evident that a strong Christian education could not be more important.  Are you looking for a way to support Christian Life Academy that will fit your budget?   God is able to bless and multiply even the smallest sacrifice given in faith – because all the little bits really add up.



For many CLA families and prospective families it’s very difficult to afford a Christian education.  You have the power to change all of that.

Click here to donate here and help us reach our goal of $3,000.

Here’s what our parents and alumni are saying:

“Christian Life Academy has been nothing short of a blessing for our family! Our Children had come from a public school district where they were bullied and hurt and were disliking school so much that our youngest would be in tears not wanting to go. Christian Life turned that around for our family and we now have happy, smiling faces at drop off. Christian Life is very pro-active against bullying and it is absolutely not tolerated!! My children feel safe and secure when going to school and the best part, it’s like being part of a big family. My kids are receiving the best education possible and the teachers and staff all go above and beyond for each child. You couldn’t ask for a better place for your child to be!! Feeling so blessed by CLA!!”


“Placing our child in CLA was the best decision I’ve made. Her confidence is back. She loves coming to school again. She is able to get one-on-one help and her reading levels have gone up. She’s learning new things everyday and enjoys it. She no longer feels overwhelmed. By keeping our daughter in CLA she will get the best education and learning experience there is.”


“CLA has been a second family to our daughter. She has learned so many things academically, socially, and spiritually. She is safe and appreciated by teachers and friends. The continuous effort to improve every aspect of the school motivates us to continue investing there and spreading the word in our community.”


“I am a CLA alumni, having attended CLA from 2nd grade through to graduating 8th grade. This school laid the foundation for my continued education, helping me succeed in high school and also in college. Because of the CLA Curriculum/teaching I was always ahead in my learning and also the public system, but most importantly, CLA was an incredible asset in my relationship with Christ. Each and every class was gospel- centered and God-glorifying. The importance of my growing walk with God in my home was continued/encouraged everyday in school. Christ being everything in my life didn’t stop when I went to school. To this day, I believe school has one of the greatest influences in a child’s life, and I’m so grateful that 5 days a week/7 hours a day, I was blessed/reinforced with a God-centered education. I still remember so many important, valuable lessons from the teaching there and am very grateful for this school.”


Praise the Lord for these testimonies!  This is why we’re inviting you to contribute to our Fall Fundraising Campaign.  

  • Provide urgently needed student financial aid support for families earnestly desiring a Christian education
  • Come together to help Build Academic Strength, Spiritual Growth, A Safe and Secure Place to Learn
  • Give much needed support to Our School, Inflation Effects All of Us

  Click here to donate here and help us reach our goal of $3,000.


CLA: Where the Classroom is a Family

Where Teachers Know You, and Care Like Family.

At CLA, teachers like Ms. Andrade go beyond the curriculum. We nurture individual growth & build personal connections, fostering a supportive learning environment where every child thrives. Schedule a tour & see the difference!



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