Re-enrollment: Changes for the 2021-2022 School Year

We are doing something new this year regarding re-enrollment, and it’s called Continuous Enrollment.

Continuous Re-enrolling Contracts and instructions on how to re-enroll on Gradelink were sent home in last week’s Friday folder. If you have any questions, please call the office. 203-775-5191 x2. 

A few things you will need to know:

  • You will be automatically billed $90 for the re-enrollment fee unless you notify us differently. If done before March 15th, re-enrollment is $90 for one child and $150 for two or more per family after that the fee will go up to $125 for one child or $250 for a family. 
  • Completing the re-enrolling contract along with the registration fee and completing the “EnrollMe” process on Gradelink will assure your child’s placement at CLA.
  • With the class size being a  limit of ten, we highly suggest you take advantage of re-enrolling before we open registration to the public on March 22nd.  We already have a waiting list for almost every grade! 

Thank you ahead of time for your decision to re-enroll your child/ren at CLA!

Inclement Weather Procedures- 2021

For times of inclement weather, CLA usually follows the Brookfield School system. So, if Brookfield schools are closed, CLA will be closed as well.

However, because we have many families and staff commuting from long distances, we do reserve the right to determine whether the school will open in cases where Brookfield schools are delayed or have early dismissal. This is done for the safety of our families and staff. In all cases, CLA will communicate our status in the following ways:

  1. Email:
    • Gradelink
  2. Media:
  3. You can sign up for text and/or email messages specifically for our school from either of these sources by clicking here.
  4. Announcements are generally posted on our Facebook page by 6:30 am.

  • 2 Hour Delay
    • 10:20 am student arrival
    • 10:30 am school begins
      • There is NO Before Care
    • Normal dismissal time
  • 3 Hour Delay
    • 11:20 am student arrival
    • 11:30 school begins
    • Normal dismissal time

That’s a Wrap!

We hit our goal for our Charleston Wrap Fall Fundraiser! Thank you for your participation and support. We appreciate you!

Click to Give

There’s still time to support CLA with your giving this year. During the month of December, your giving is eligible to be matched dollar for dollar.

Thank you for your continued support. God is doing great things at CLA!

Giving Tuesday: Spread the Word!

Hello CLA Family and Friends,

Why Give To CLA? Why Now?

Because… Storms are raging across our culture from every direction. There’s more need than ever to raise our children to think clearly, independently, and Biblically; to teach them to stand on and for their faith, to be an inspiration, and to live by God’s wisdom and grace as they face these storms. Every day our teachers and staff pour into our kids the Gospel Message and that God is the source of all wisdom and knowledge. And they’re going to need every drop!

You can help CLA fulfill this mission on Giving Tuesday! Thanks to generous donors, all contributions made on Dec. 1st will be matched, that means your gift will be doubled as part of our year-end matching campaign.

With your generous support, we’ll keep on “pouring” especially for kids who need a little financial aid.

Won’t you join us — and the generous individuals across the globe this Giving Tuesday?

With Gratitude,

Rod Moore

CLA School Board

How to Spread the Word:

1. Post a note or picture showing your support of our school on your social media page and tag our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

2. Share a photo of yourself with the hashtag #unselfie that says why you support us! The social sharing will help broaden the awareness of Christian Life Academy.

3. Contribute click Here to donate OR text “donate” to 860-362-3202.

P.S.  When you make a gift, please post an #unselfie tagging us and share a note about why you support Christian Life Academy.

Remember, any gift made today will have TWICE the impact thanks to some generous donors.

It’s Almost Here! Giving Tuesday 2020

Hi CLA Family,

It’s almost go time! We are one week away from our biggest fundraising event of the year, Giving Tuesday, and we have set a goal to raise $10,000 in just 24 hours to go towards our “Matching Donation” Drive.  It’s true that it takes a village to ignite real change, so we are pumped to have our supporters rally with us to create a lasting impact through giving.

If you haven’t done so already, please “Like” us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and tell your friends and family about our campaign.  Spreading the word gets our voices heard and the donations rolling in!

To give, Text “donate” to 860-362-3202

Or click HERE.

Reopened! Charleston Wrap Fundraiser

Christian Life Academy has extended its fundraiser until December 4th. Don’t miss out on this great chance to buy quality gifts and support your school!

So far, our first fundraiser of the 2020/2021 year is off to a great start and we are excited to partner with a great company like Charleston Wrap.

Trust us, Charleston Wrap is your family’s go-to for holiday shopping. With a wide array of gifts that can be personalized you wouldn’t think this opportunity could get better – but it does!

For every item sold, Christian life Academy will earn 40% of the revenue and if the item is personalized we earn 30%! We are so excited to be sharing this with our CLA friends and families. Download the file by clicking the Charleston Logo below and get started today!

There is still time for student participation and to earn credit toward your fundraising fee. Every student who sends out 10 emails or more to support this fundraiser wins a special prize and can pay off CLA’s yearly fundraising fee. Just follow the directions on our downloadable file.

If you area friend or family member supporting one of our students and have their participant code, click the icon below to shop. If you do not have a student code, please use the CLA school code: 20247.

Thank you for your support!

School Code: 20247

Operation Christmas Child

‘Tis the season of giving! Every year, Christian Life Academy students pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. These boxes are a way for missionaries to spread the good news of the Gospel. In a way, each box is like a missionary!

Don’t forget to pray for your box and the child who will receive it throughout the year. It is amazing how God can use such a small thing like a shoebox to bless children and their families all around the world!

This week [November 16th-22nd] is National Collection Week for OCC, and as a school we will be collecting boxes until Friday, November 20th. Please have your child bring their box into school or drop off your family’s box during car line. Brookfield First is our community collection center. If you are unable to bring your box in by Friday, the last day you can drop off your boxes is this Sunday, November 22nd.

How to Pack a Shoebox

Packing a shoebox is easy and a fun activity to do as a family. Don’t panic if you didn’t receive a box from the school, because you can use a regular shoebox! When your family is packing the shoebox, think about what a child in the age group you’ve chosen would like to receive. Each box has a “wow” item like a pair of shoes or an “anchor” toy, such as a baby doll. These items are big ticket items! Like a toy truck, a stuffed animal, and even a soccer ball with a pump. Hygiene items like washcloths, bars of soap, and toothbrushes are welcome additions. Accessories are also really great add-ons to your box. The children receiving these gifts appreciate socks, hair clips, hats, and mittens just to name a few. Smaller toys also bring a lot of joy! Finally, don’t forget to include school supplies.

For more information about packing boxes and gift ideas, please visit Samaritan’s Purse.

Do not include: Candy; toothpaste; used or damaged goods; war-related items such as toy guns, or military figures; chocolate or food; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

Brookfield First is looking for volunteers to help load the OCC cartons on the truck this Sunday, November 22nd. If you are interested in helping, please call the Main Office.

Thank you!

Happy Fall Harvest Days!

Welcome to K3’s Pumpkin Patch!

Thanks to all those who have supported Christian Life Academy all year! Happy Fall Harvest days to all our volunteers and donors and friends. Please know that you have helped plant fruit-bearing seeds in the hearts and minds of our students.  

God Bless!

Join Us: Fall Fundraiser

We are so excited to announce our first fundraiser of the 2020/2021 year! Charleston Wrap is your family’s go-to for holiday shopping. With a wide array of gifts that can be personalized you wouldn’t think this opportunity could get better – but it does!

For every item sold, Christian life Academy will earn 40% of the revenue and if the item is personalized we earn 30%! We are so excited to be sharing this with our CLA friends and families. Download the file by clicking the Charleston Logo below and get started today!

Every student who sends out 10 emails or more to support this fundraiser wins a special prize. Just follow the directions on our downloadable file!

The fundraiser window is open from October 19th through November 6th. If you are supporting one of our students and have their participant code, click the icon below to shop. Thank you for your support!

Food Drive

*Last week to drop off donations!*

Christian Life Academy is partnering with Brookfield First to collect food for food pantries in the greater Danbury Area. The need for food is great, so we are holding this food drive to restock these pantries and feed hungry families!

We are collecting:



Canned Goods




Peanut Butter



Paper Goods

Diapers (sizes 4-6)

Please drop off your donations to the front cart marked “Food Drive” at the front doors. Thank you for helping us make a difference!