Rod Moore

Rod Moore

Board Co-Chair

Rod graduated from St. Lawrence University with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and is a retired Realtor and mortgage originator.  He has served on the deacon board of First Assembly of God Church, and serves as a commissioner on the Danbury Zoning Board of Appeals.  He has served on the CLA board since 1985.  Mr. Moore is also the proud grandpa of two granddaughters who live just a little too far away to attend CLA.  Looking to the future through their eyes, he realizes more than ever how important a solid Christian education is to them and all our children and grandchildren. 

To quote Dr. Alan Pue, a noted Christian educator, we want to “pursue God’s purpose in making disciples of our young people – not just fully devoted disciples, but fully developed disciples, disciples who not only act passionately and graciously but who also think deeply, wisely, and biblically.”