2018 Matching Grant Opportunity
Christmas is truly a miracle…something above the ordinary or usual. The generosity of those supportive of Christian education at Christian Life Academy may not be miraculous, but it certainly is remarkable! Please consider this matching grant opportunity!
This year we again want to thank a generous donor who will match your every dollar given to help Christian Life Academy grow! Your $10 can quickly become $20 in this way. And yes, every single dollar does help. I have heard many of you express your joy at being a part of CLA. I know that many of your extended family also are very supportive and appreciative.
We have appreciated your support in our last matching grant opportunity. With your generous support this last year we were able to:
provide professional development opportunities for our faculty and board members beyond what we had normally planned.
purchase projectors and document cameras for our classrooms.
completed the construction for our Little Blessings, increasing our capacity from 12-20.
This blessing will again provide finances that will benefit our faculty and our students. Our goal is to:
update our classrooms for ease in accessing the technology we have.
provide all our students with Chromebooks and our teachers with specific training in fully utilizing Google Suite.
offer professional development in individualized areas, including Biblical Integration for our faculty, is both educational and encouraging, as well as benefiting our students as we continue to craft our curriculum in our classrooms.
Your gift given by December 31st will help not just for this year, but for developing a generation. A bit far-fetched? I don’t think so! We are educating and training our students to be strong, biblically principled young people, strengthened with spiritual authority! They are making and will continue to make a difference in their world. Join me and be remarkable again this year!
This year you also have the ability to give a donation online. Using the Brookfield Assembly of God website, select Christian Life Academy and fill in the memo “Matching Grant”.
Many churches are represented with our student body, but we are a ministry outreach of Brookfield Assembly.
Thank you and God’s blessing for a peaceful Christmas season for you and your family.