Awards Ceremony 2022
Student’s have been looking forward to this day all year! The Awards Ceremony is a special event where students are acknowledged for their accomplishments and improvements in academics and enrichment classes. Check out the photos below to see how excited CLA students were!

Timothy Award
This is a very special award given by grade. In each class, students choose a classmate who they believe best exemplified Christ-like character throughout the year. At CLA we call this being a Timothy!

Principal’s Award
Every year the teachers of Christian Life Academy nominate a student for the Principal’s Award. This award is given to the student who has most consistently exemplified Christian character throughout the school year. This year was a special year because two students were given the Principal’s Award!
Congratulations to Nicholas and Noah, both second graders who went out of their way this year to include a brand new classmate and make him feel welcome. We are so proud of you!