Fall 2022 – Dates to Remember

Don’t forget to write down these important dates for Fall 2022!

  • Oct. 10th – No School, Columbus Day
  • Oct. 26th – Paid Dress Down Day, K-8th May dress down for $2
  • Oct . 26th – Pre-K3 & K4 Harvest Party/Parade, 2:30pm
  • Oct. 27th – End of Marking Period (Grades 1-8)
  • Oct. 28th – End of Marking Period
  • Oct. 29th – No School, Teacher PD
  • Nov. 4th – G1-G8 Report cards will be published
  • Nov. 8th – No Bus Service
  • Nov. 10th – No School K-G8 Virtual Parent/Teacher
    Conferences A scheduled time for conferences will be
    sent home in your child’s Friday folder. (Pre-K3 and K4 are in session)
  • Nov. 11th – No School (All), Veteran’s Day
  • Nov. 23rd-25th – No School, Thanksgiving Break
  • Nov. 30th – Paid Dress Down Day, K-8th May dress down for $2