Let’s Raise Some Dough!
We are excited to announce an exciting (and yummy!) fundraising opportunity. Support Christian Life Academy by ordering Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, delivered fresh from the Krispy Kreme Shop in Bronx, NY!
Here’s how it works:
- Order as many boxes as you would like for yourself, family, friends, and co-workers!
- Boxes are $18 per glazed dozen.
- Completed forms must be submitted by Thursday, October 12th. (Order forms were sent home in your student’s Friday Folder. We have more copies in the Main Office!)
- Pick up your fresh doughnuts on Monday, October 16th during morning drop off at the car line or in the front lobby.
The student that sells the most will win a free box of doughnuts! The winner will be announced the morning of Monday, October 16th.
Are you wondering how fresh Krispy Kreme doughnuts could get any better? 50% of the profits will go to our school!