Summer Camp 2020
Registration is open for new campers throughout the summer. Choose one week or several!

Weekly Themes
- August 3rd-7th Oceans
- August 10th-14th Science
Daily Expectations
- A healthy lunch
- Snacks
- An extra change of clothes (in case of water play)
- A water bottle
- A great attitude. Let’s always be ready to learn and have fun!
***Please apply sunscreen on your child before coming to camp.
Please email your completed form to rlundberg@brookfieldcla.org.
Covid-19 Health & Safety Guidelines:
- All students and staff will receive a health screening upon arrival.
- Any temperature reading above 100 will be sent home and will be required to remain home for a minimum of five days.
- Parents/guardians will not be permitted to enter the building.
- A staff member will escort students to their classroom and will be dismissed to their parent/guardian one at a time, outside of the building.
- If you are sick, please stay home. Sick staff and children will not be permitted into the building.
- All staff will wear a face covering. Children are not required to wear a face covering.
- Groups will consist of 10 or fewer children per space with limited interaction with other groups.
- All water fountains are closed. Please be sure to supply your child with enough water.
- Children will be instructed in appropriate hand washing procedures and be required to wash hands often.
- Enhanced and routine cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting will take place throughout the building.